David's FKEYs FAQ

by David T. Pierson
download David's FKEYs

What are David's FKEYs?
David's FKEYs are a collection of FKEYs that I wrote to provide keyboard equivalents for tasks that I often find myself performing.

What is an FKEY?
An FKEY is a piece of code that is stored in a special format (an FKEY resource) and which is executed in response to certain key combinations, namely shift-command-(digit) sequences. Apple reserves use of sequences 0-4, but 5-9 are available for customization.

What are the hardware and software requirements for using David's FKEYs?
David's FKEYs can be used on both PowerPC-based Macs and 68K-based Macs. I am not sure what OS version is specifically required--certainly at least System 7. They have only been tested on System 7.5 and later. Use with caution on earlier OS versions. Again, some definitely require System 7.

Where can I get David's FKEYs?
The David's FKEYs archive can be downloaded from http://mindstory.com/software/DavidsFKEYs.sit.hqx.

What is in the David's FKEYs archive?
The archive contains a copy of this FAQ, and the font suitcase containing the FKEYs.

How do I install David's FKEYs?
Simply drag the David's FKEYs font suitcase (once it is unstuffed) to the Fonts folder of your System Folder. If any apps other than the Finder are open, you might be shown a message that they will not be available immediately. Be aware that David's FKEYs uses all the available IDs for custom FKEYs (5-9.) If you already have other custom FKEYs installed which use any of these IDs, you will need to uninstall them before installing David's FKEYs. Alternatively, you can open the David's FKEYs font suitcase in ResEdit, and delete the FKEYs you don't want, or change their IDs.

Why are David's FKEYs stored in a font suitcase?
Font suitcases are the easiest way that I know of to distribute FKEYs. Apparently, the Mac OS loads all resources found in font suitcases in the Fonts folder, so you don't have to paste the FKEY resources into the System file, which can be dangerous. They really don't have anything to do with Fonts.

What FKEYs are included in David's FKEYs?
All the FKEYs that are included in David's FKEYs are fairly simple in function, and most have been implemented by others before. I find them useful, perhaps you might too. Here is the list of David's FKEYs. See the answer to the next question to learn how to invoke them.

FKEY #5 Moves the frontmost window to the top left corner of the main screen. This only works for standard movable windows. It is useful for windows that open off-screen because they were last closed on a system with higher resolution or multiple monitors. FKEY #6 Tells the Finder to open the "About this Macintosh" window (called the "About this Computer" window in Mac OS 7.6.) This FKEY now works from the Finder as well as other applications. FKEY #7 Tells the Process Manager to make the Finder the frontmost application. This FKEY does nothing if the Finder is already the frontmost app. FKEY #8 Tells the Process Manager to make the next application in the PM's list the frontmost app. This allows you to scroll through the open applications. The PM's list appears to be arranged in order of launch. When the end of the list is reached, it wraps to the beginning, and specifically skips the Finder. FKEY #9 Tells the window manager to send the frontmost window of the frontmost app behind the other windows of that app. This allows you to scroll through the windows in a particular app. It does not work with modal windows (dialog and alert boxes) and floating windows.

How do I invoke David's FKEYs, once they are installed?
Simultaneously press the keys Command-Shift-(digit), where (digit) is the digit key for the specific FKEY you wish to invoke. (See the list above.) For instance, to move to the next open application, press Command-shift-8.

Do I need to pay for David's FKEYs?
David's FKEYs are freeware. Use and enjoy! I would love to hear any comments.

How do I contact the author of David's FKEYs?
David T. Pierson can be contacted at <dtp@mindstory.com>. My web page is at http://mindstory.com/ .

Part of Mindstory.com, by David T. Pierson. Contact me at <dtp@mindstory.com>